Friday, June 10, 2011

See ya later 1st Trimester!

YAY---almost through the dreaded 1st trimester of nausea (luckily no vomiting!!), crazy food aversions/cravings (yes, cereal has re-entered my diet again, thank goodness, and peanut butter/saltines are no longer the only foods that can cure me), sluggishness, and irritibility and mood swings (ummm...ok, for the most part, Patrick may not agree with this 100%, but I think it's gotten better :)) 

So, as people ask me how I'm feeling, honestly when I entered Week 12- I felt instantly like myself again, with a renewed energy and just felt 'normal' (besides my waistline thickening and pants getting more snug)  I have been dreading stepping on the scale, but the scale really isn't moving up too much, but my body is definitely changing!  My sister told me the other night as I told her how I was starting to show..."Um, no your not!"  Dang it! I never understood why people wanted to start showing, but I guess you'd rather have them think you're pregnant vs. eating a large meal and having that extra pouch!  Ha!  Anyway, I don't think it'll be too long though now.

Other exciting news- my best friend since 5th grade, Lindsay and her husband Chad had their first little baby yesterday!  They weren't finding out what they were having, so we were all extra excited when Lindsay sent a text around noon yesterday and introduced us to Sadie Christine Kobus!  Even being almost a week overdue, she was only 6 lbs, 5oz and everyone is doing great!  Congrats Linds!!  So a trip up to NE is in the works for us next weekend as we go meet this sweet little baby!  (Love all the baby love in my life right now!)

Finally, last night Patrick and I went through baby name lists.  We are pretty set on our boy name (but, yes, we are going to wait to share names until our baby is you'll have to wait to hear :))  and our girl name, we have a Top 5.  Oh, and we will be finding out July 22nd what we are having, so stay tuned!!  I made sure our appointment was the first available that day, as I know I'll be so anxious to find out! Waiting on doing much nursery planning until finding out the sex, so it'll be so much fun to picture our baby more....and decide on a name if it's a girl! :)

Hope you all have a great weekend-- and please keep my Uncle Randy and their family in your prayers, and Grandma Meyer started her chemo treatments yesterday too.  Hug those close to you a little tighter and appreciate each day God gives you! 

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