Today I am the big 2-8. Yes, nothing too exciting about that, and it is pretty crazy that ALL I want this year is to spend time with my boys. I am so lucky that today it is 60 degrees outside! I dont' think I have EVER been able to say that for my birthday. In fact, usually I have a really bad cold, I'm stuffy, etc. Well, yesterday, I had a pretty bad stomach bug and felt pretty misreble....luckily, Patrick took over Daddy duty last night and let me get some good sleep and that helped a ton! So, the worst is over I hope and I'm feeling better today and able to enjoy the day!
Will and I went on a walk this afternoon---and honestly, we have been SO lucky that this winter/December was so nice we have been able to go on quite a few walks and get out of the house. That is awesome, because I was really concerned about being stir-crazy and holed up in the house during the winter months on maternity leave. But, it's been awesome out and it's good for my physically and mentally to get out!
Everything else is going pretty good---Will definitely is at the stage of not wanting to be put down :) The pediatrician says about 6 weeks is the peak of a baby's fussy stage, and so that makes me feel better. It's nothing too bad, he just seems uncomfortable and squirmy, and has a hard time falling asleep if we are not holding him, or I have to feed him almost to get him to sleep. I know this is just a phase and am trying to enjoy him wanting to be 'held' and just get things done once Patrick gets home from work!
Patrick took me out for a fun shopping trip on Sunday and our first trip to Eggtc. It was really nice!! Tonight, Amy, Cody, Daniel, Bill and Marilee are all coming over to help celebrate my birthday with dinner and Patrick made some carrot cake for dessert! Amy is going to give me a pedicure too, so what a great day/night and I feel so very blessed.
Until next time...
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