Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Just for kicks

Yes, that's right--- Baby A is a kicking fool!!  Yep, our little boy is kicking/punching/something to me right as I type this!  I find it very difficult to concentrate on anything else and just smile to myself every time it happens!  So, yes, if anyone did not know yet- Baby A is a boy!!  We had our ultrasound last Friday, and are thrilled to be expecting a little boy and that everything looks normal.  I do have to go in this afternoon for a Level 2 sonogram, b/c there are some spots on the brain, that is completely normal in development, but they just have to check it.  Our OB told us basically that she's 100% sure everything is fine, based on how everything else looked from the sonogram.  So, I'm looking at it as another chance to see our little guy, and on an even better/more clear machine (I mean, I could always tell where the head was, but other than that, the lady totally had to point things out to me)  Even better than me just feeling kicks, Patrick felt some good ones last night too!!  YAY---I was so excited to share that with him and we just both stare at each other in amazement, "Oh, was that one?"  "Oh--that was a BIG one!"  "Oh, there it is again"  :)  Looking forward to many more weeks of these kicks, and wondering that if they feel that strong now, and I'm only at 20 weeks, how they will feel during my last month!!

So, yes, I am at the halfway mark of my pregnancy today!! Whoo-hoo!  I must say that now knowing we're going to have a boy, I have been antsy to start the shopping/planning part.  I have been looking online at nursery inspiration pictures and we may go out to a few stores in the next couple days to see what's out there, look at prices, etc.

But, in even BETTER news---I'm so happy to say, that today/this  morning, Patrick accepted a position at St. Luke's!!  St. Luke's is a great health system in KC, and he will be working as a Quality Analyst in their Women's/Children's Center (appropriate timing huh?!) which is at their Plaza location.  Anyway, I am so excited for him to start this new job and to further his career in healthcare administration!! Way to go babe!

1 comment:

  1. Things are falling into place so nicely!! God is good!! Love all 3 of you!
